Authorities of the Australian Government in the Northern Territory,
Representatives from the CYANT,
Honored guests,
Representatives of Media,
Ladies and gentlemen,
First of all, I would like to state that I am very delighted to be among you, as the representative of my government, at the launch of this historical day in the world of sailing.
Secondly, I would like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude to the Australian Government in Northern Territory, representatives from the Cruising Yacht Association of the Northern Territory, and to those who have been very supportive and facilitative to ensure this event becoming a reality.
As Minister for Tourism, Trade and Industry, I do announce that the Government of Timor Leste is determined to initiate and organize the 2010 Darwin Dili Yacht Rally with the aim to re-establish yachting links as an annual event on the Yachting Calendar. It is indeed a strategic measure towards the future, not just for sailing enthusiasts but most importantly to enhance tourism sectors between Timor Leste and Australia.
The bilateral tourism sector is hoped to strengthen the bonds of friendship and reciprocity between the two countries and two people. Australian tourists, investors and professionals are among the largest statistics contributing to Timor Leste’s tourism and development interventions with the highest standards of work. This event will unite us in supporting the economy, cultural and social welfare to the people of Timor Leste.
The visionary and prophetic statement of the Organizing Committee in the 1970’s, “This is the beginning of the race”. “The future will be a very interesting one”, is indeed a fact today.
If in the 1970’s the flag that commanded East Timor destiny was the Portuguese Flag, forty years later, now 2010, East Timor becomes Timor Leste and has its own Flag. The prophecy is true to life!
6 (six) yachts participated in the first ever international sailing event in 1973. 24 (twenty four) competitors took part the following year; unfortunately the event ceased in 1975 due to the political turmoil in Portuguese Timor. In 2002, eighty (8) yachts made the voyage from Darwin to Dili to welcome the Nation’s Independence Proclamation, in May 2002.
Congratulations to the Organizers and Sailors who witnessed Timor Leste’s historical transformation from a colony to an Independent Country.
This year, the Cruising Yacht Association of the Northern Territory (CYANT), is going to write the Second Chapter of its history with Timor Leste.
Today, at 11.00 o’clock, a fleet of technologically advanced yachts will set out from Darwin Harbor, in 2010 THE DARWIN DILI YACH RALLY. The course of the rally will take these yachts on a great 425 Nautical Mile adventure through the Timor Sea, passing Jaco Island to the FINISH LINE off the City of Dili, the capital of the Democratic Republic of Timor Leste.
The race will provide a unique opportunity to discover Timor Leste’s beautiful and unique landscape for tourism destination and future sports tourism as the race will receive local and international media exposure.
We look forward therefore to a memorable week in July 2010 when the eyes of the international sailing community will focus on Timor Leste. A week that will remain forever in the memory of everyone coming to Timor Leste as part of this epic sporting event, and also registered in the heart and mind of our people and our country, beloved Timor Leste.
To the voyagers, I wish you BOM VIAGEM!
To the organizers, I thank you again for the meaningful and tremendous support!
To the rest, enjoy the spectacular illustration of courage from the great sailors and union of two nations!
I hereby declare that the 2010 Darwin Dili Yacht Rally is officially open.

Gil Alves : Carnaval Maka Promove Kultura TL

DILI – Ministeriu Turizm, Comersiu no Industria (MTCI) Gil Alves hateten ho carnaval maka bele promove lilu tan kultura Timor Leste sai kunesidu iha mundu internasional.

          “Ho carnaval ne’ebe mak ita halao dadaun ne’e bele promove liu tan kultura TL nian ba iha mundu internasional katak maski Timor Leste rai ida ki’ik maibe ninia kultura uniko tebes iha mundo,” dehan Gil Alves ba jornalista sira iha nia knar fati, Segunda (15/02).

           Tuir nia katak carnaval tinan ida ne’e organizadu tebes no diferente tebes ho tinan kotuk yanba partisipa husi grupo 68 (neen nulu resin walu) ne’ebe husi distrito 13 (sanulu resin tolu) no mos husi komunidade estranjeirus husi Brazil, Cuba, no Australia.

            Entrenatu, Xefe Departementu Arte Kultura Eugenio Sarmento hateten objetivu atividade carnaval maka manifesta kultura oin-oin husi distritu tomak no husi komunidade internasional sira, maibe la signifika katak ho manifestasaun ne’e atu halakon trdisaun Timor.

            “Objetivu husi eventu carnaval maka haburas liu tan ita nia kultura nune’e halakon rai odio ba malu,” nia tenik.

            Iha fatin hanesan, Reprezentante Carnaval Distritu Baucau Antonio Guterres hatete katak sira senti kontente tebes ho programa ida ne’e maski foin primeira ves partisipa iha carnaval.

             “Ita tenki hametin nafatin ita nia kultura iha kualker eventu atu nune’e ita nia kultura sai morin liu tan iha ema seluk ne’ebe mak la adopta tradisaun Timor nia let,” nia dehan.

             Alende ne’e, Reprezentante Carnaval Distritu Viqueque Amandio dos Santos informa katak ema barak maka lakohi atu dezenvolve tradisaun ka kutura Timo tamba nia hare nomos katak grupo sira ne’ebe partisipa carnaval barak mak la hatais roupa kultura Timor nian.

             “Ita tenki hametin nafatin kultura ne’ebe mak ita nia beiala sira husik hela mai ita nune’e tradisaun ne’e buras nafatin,” nia sublinha. (uly)

Alfandega Prende Foos Toneladas Rihun 7

Direktira Jeral Ministeriu Turismu, Comersiu no Industria (MTCI) Muanuela G.B Corte-Real informa katak, Ministeriu Turismu, Comersiu no Industria fo apoiu ba servisu alfandega hodi prende foos ho marka MTCI toneladas rihun 7 husi Emprezario Tony Lay.

          “Ita hotu tenke hakruk ba lei, tamba nasaun ida ne’e iha lei no ordem, tamba ne’e ba emprezariu ne’ebe mak halai ses husi lei, entau hau fo fiar maka’as ba Alfandega hodi prende”, hateten Muanuela G.B Corte-Real ba jJoralista sira iha salaun MTCI, Fomento Mandarin Dili, Kuarta Feira (9/2).

          Muanuela G.B Corte-Real afirma katak, fos ho marka MTCI ne’e la’os foos ministerio nian, tamba ministeriu sidauk halo kontratu ida ho emprezario Tony Lay atu halo importasaun ba foos MTCI.

          “Tuir informasaun katak, foos ne’e tama iha tinan 2009, emprezatio Tony Lay laiha kontratu ida ho MTCI ba importador foos nian, entaun ita konsideira katak foos ho marka MTCI ne’e la’os ministeriu nian, maibe seitor privadu nian”, nia afirma.

          Tamba saida mak emprezario Tony Lay hakaak tau marka MTCI, tuir Muanuela G.B Corte-Real katak, emprezariu Tony Lay hakarak tau marka MTCI, karik ne’e iha intensaun ruma atu dizvia husi impostu, no ho razaun saida mak Alfandega ba lelan foos ne’e, entau emprezas ne’e iha intensaun la dun dia’ak ba importasaun foos ho maak MTCI, mos la’os fos Ministeriu Turismu, Comersiu no Industria niaN.

          Muanuela G.B Corte-Real informa katak, MTCI hein informasaun mai husi Alfandega atu nune’e foos ho marak MTCI ne’e atu halo oinsa.

          “Bazeia ba lei Alfandega ita tenki tuir lelan ou fo ajuda deit ba ema sira ne’ebe karensiadus (Pante Asuhan, red), entaun ida ne’e seidauk iha desijaun, depois iha desijaun ami Ministeriu pronto para atu kolebora ho Alfandega, atu haree foos ho marka MTCI iha emprezas Tony Lay”, nia sujere.

          Muanuela G.B Corte-Real informa katak, iha tinan 2009 MTCI halo kontartu ho emprezas 17 ba importasaun foos MTCI, emprezas hirak ne’e iha rezista hotu-hotu mai ho ida-idak nia marka emprezario I depois ho foos marka MTCI, entaun foos nia kuantidade ne’e Ministeriu hatene katak, iha armazen ne’ebe mak sai hanesan stok Ministeriu nian..

          “Ami la identifika foos Ministeriu nian, tamba ministeriu seidauk halo akordu kaontratu ho emprzariu Tony Lay para halo importasaun ba foos ho marka MTCI”, nia deklara.

          Iha fatin seluk, Direktur Jeral Alfandega Cancio de J. Oliveira hateten katak, foos ne’e sei iha prosesu nia laran I wainhira prosesu ne’e hotu ona, entaun intrega ba Ministerio kompetente.

          To’o noticia ne’e fo sai Jornal Nasional Diario seidauk iha konfirmasaun ho emprezariu Tony Lay. JND-02

MTCI Kunvida 12 Distritus Involve Iha Karnaval 2010

Dili – Ministeriu Turismo, Comersiu no Industria liu husi diresaun nasional do turismo organiza segundu karnaval” alegria iha liberdade no pluralidade  2010 ne’ebe sei fo oportunidade bo’ot ba kretividade liu husi ekspresaun kultura jerasaun foin sae sira nian.

          Directora Geral Ministeriu Turismu, Comersiu no Industria Manuela G.B. Corte-Real iha salaun MTCI, Fomento, Dili, Kuarta (10/02) liu husi nia intervensaun hatete, objetivu husi karnaval ne’e atu fo oportunidade ba jovem timor oan no komunidade internasional.

          Nia informa, eventu ne’e importante atu maluk timor oan hotu partisipa no halo parte, basaa eventu ida ne’e hanesan eventu anual hodi atrai turista lokal no mos turista husi rai liur. Karnaval iha tinan ne’e involve hotu distritu sanulu resin rua hola parte, la hanesan tinan kotuk distritu la hola parte.

          Antes atu halo parade karnaval, iha 14 kalan sei iha festa karnaval ne’ebe lokaliza iha gimnasio Dili. Parade karnaval sei lansa iha 15 fevereiro horas 13:00 lokraik, ho nia rute hanesan husi ministeriu do negosiu estrangeiro nia oin no remata iha stadion Dili ne’ebe sei foti dalan husi eis Hello Mister.

          Iha fatin hanesan Diretur Nasional Do Turismo, Jose Quintas hatete, eventu ne’e dirasaun nasional do turismo hetan suporta maka’as husi ministeriu seluk hanesan ministeru Infrastrutura, Saude, Estatal, Sekretariu Estadu da Kultura, Seguransa no seluk tan. Alende ne’e hetan mos tulun finanseiro no material husi sektor privadu hanesan operador lotaria popular, Timor Telecom, Grafika Patria, Montana Diak, ConocoPhilips, Emprezarius grupo feto no suporta mos husi embaixada Brazil iha parte dekorasaun.

          Nia hatete, eventu karnaval iha tinan ida ne’e diferente ho tinan uluk. Parade kultural mak sai hanesan objetivu prinsipal ne’ebe sei involve grupus kulturais husi distritu hotu. Liu tiha ona partisipante grupus 60 mak registu tiha ona, ne’ebe hamutuk ema 1600.

          Husi embaixada Australia, Brazil no Cuba sei organiza sira nia komunidade ne’ebe hela ou servisu iha TL atu partisipa mos iha parade ne’e i nomos suporta ba eventu ida ne’e.

          Iha parte seluk marsia membru grupo Cicani ne’ebe mak involve iha eventu ne’e hatete, senti kontente tebes ho programa ne’ebe mak governo liu husi MTCI hodi kria eventu ne’e fo oportunidade tebes ba jovem timor oan tomak para oinsa bele hatudu no aprejenta sira nia kultura ba mundo internasional hodi nune’e hatudu ba mundo katak jovem TL mos bele promove sira nia kultura liu husi sira nia musika. mik/fal

Promove Kultura, MTCI Organiza Segundu Karnaval

DILI- Ministeriu Turismo,Comersiu no Industria (MTCI) liu husi Diresaun Nasional do Turismo (DNT) organiza eventu Karnaval ne’ebe mak sai hanesan programa annual diresaun ida ne’e nian. Eventu karnaval ne’e sei halao iha loron 14-15 fulan Fevereiru ne’e.

“Eventu loron karnaval ne’e hanesan segundu fase, tamba iha tinan 2009 ami halao tiha ona iha ba iha tinan ida ne’e mos ami kontinua nafatin tamba programa ne’e tama ona iha programa annual ami nia ministeriu nian atraves de Diresaun Nasional Turismo,”dehan Diretora Geral MTCI, Dra. Manuela G.B. Corte-Real iha koferensia da emprensa horseik (10/02) iha edifisiu Fomento Mandarin Dili.

Tema geral ba eventu Karnaval tinan ida ne’e mak “ Alegria na Liberdade no Pluralidade,”. Diretora Geral ne’e inform tan katak, objetivu principal husi eventu karnaval ida ne’e maka, fo oportunidade ba maluk sira hotu liu-liu juventude Timor tomak, atu espresa sira nia kreatividade liu husi espresaun cultural jerasaun foun nian maibe tenki kaer metin nafatin kultura Timor nian.

“ita nia kultura husi Distritu 13 ne’e la hanesan, entaun ita halo oinsa atu promove liu husi oportunidade ida ne’e. Ajuda juventude hasai espresasaun ba ita nia kultura, haforsa unidade entre Timor oan no komunidade internasional. no eventu ida ne’e, importante tebes oinsa atu atria turista sira tama barak liu mai Timor Leste,”esklarese Manuela.

Eventu ida ne’e sei partisipa mos husi komunidade internasional ne’ebe mak iha Timor Leste liu husi embaxadas sira.

Total orsamentu ne’ebe mak aloka ba eventu ida ne’e hamutuk US$ 3 Mil no hetan mos apoiu husi empresarius balun ho total orsamentu US$ 18 mil.

Alende hetan apoiu masimu husi emrpesairus, eventu ida ne’e hetan mos apoiu husi Ministeriu balun hanesan MInisteriu Estatal Ministeriu Infrastutura, Ministeriu Saude, Sekretariu Estadu Kultura, no mos Sekretariu Estadu Seguransa.

“Ami hetan mos apoiu finanseiru balun husi operador Rotaria Popular, Timor Telekom, GRafika Conoco Philips, empresarius grupu feto no mos suporta husi embaxador Brasil iha parte Dekorasaun nian,”dehan nia.

Eventu karnaval iha tinan ne’e sei hetan deferensia oituan husi tinan kotuk, tamba sei hetan partisipasaun masimu husi grupu kultura iha distritu 13 nia laran. Total grupu ne’ebe mak regista ona hamutuk 60 no total ema ne’ebe mak sei partisiap hamutuk 1600.

Embaxadas iha Timos Leste sei organiza sira nia komunidade ne’ebe mak halao knar iha TL atu partisipa iha eventu especial ida ne’e, hanesan embaxada Brasil, Australia, Portugal no Cuba.

Presidente Komisaun Organizadora ne’ebe hanesan mos Diretor ba Diresaun Nasional do Turismo Jose Filipe Dias Quintas, haforsa tan katak, iha eventu ida distritu 13 sei hatudu ida-idak nia kultura hanesan hatais, bidu tebedai no seluk tan.

“Timor Leste maioria relijiaun Kristaun Katolika, entaun labele hatudu buat hanesan hatais karnaval husi nasaun seluk ne’ebe modern maibe mantein nafatin ita nia kultura,”Jose afirma.

Festa karnaval ne’e sei hahu iha 14 de Fevereiru ne’ebe sei komesa husi Ginasiu Dili no sei iha festa karnaval iha kalan, no iha loron 15 de Fevereiru sei lao hamutuk husi edifisiu Ministeriu Negosiu estrageirus Pantai Kelapa too iha GMT. (Media MTCI)

Governu Hasai Tan U$ 18 Miloens Hola Fos

Carrascalao : “La Liu Husi Tender”

          Governu liu husi konselhu ministru aprova hasai osan U$ 18 atu hola tan fos toneladas rihun 30, tamba stock fos ne’ebe oras ne’e iha armazen governu menus ona.
          Desizaun konselhu ne’e ho urjensia tamba hetan proposta husi Ministeriu Turizmu Comercio no Industria (MTCI), Gil da Costa Alves, katak stock fos sei hotu iha Marsu oin mai.
         Abastesimentu estratejiku nasional fos ne’ebe sei jere direitamentu husi MTCI, Gil Alves ne’e, Vice Primeriu Ministru (PM) mak trata ba assuntu administrasaun, Mario Viegas Carrascalao afirma, sei la loke tender ba emprezarius atu halo importasaun tamba governu mak direitamente bele lalais I laiha problema.
          “Governu importa direitamente la liu husi emprezariu, bele lalais, laiha problema. Tamba ita hatene katak governu mos konfiksa hela besik 10 mil toneladas fos ne’ebe tinan uluk tama, agora tau hela armagen la hasai to’o a’at deit ne’e buat ida ke problema,” lamenta Vice PM Carrascalao.
          Maske nune’e tuir planu, prosesu hola fos toneladas rihun 30 ne’e sei importa toneladas rihun 10 kada fulan to’o Abril.
          “Antisipasaun abastesimentu nian ida ne’e ho hanoin atu prevene ruptura ba stock fos nian ne’ebe bele mosu iha tempu oin mai iha pais ne’e,” haktuir karta komunikadu ba imprensa ne’ebe dirize husi konselhu ministru ba Diario ne’e, Tersa (02/02) horiseik.
Oras ne’e dadauk governu liu husi MTCI halo hela negosiasaun ba folin fos ho nasaun ne’ebe fos folin menus.
          Nune’e, Diretora Geral do MTCI, Manuela G.B Corte-Real ba Jornalista sira iha nia servisu fatin esplika, husi montante U$ 18 miloens ne’ebe iha , bele hola fos liu toneladas rihun 30, wainhira negosiasaun la hetan fos folin karun. N-2